15688. Wash day - a woman using a dolly to wash clothes 1940s

Extinct Housewives: Women and the World of Work

Extinct Housewives: Women and the World of Work

Explore the lives of Border women in the world of work.

With more women in the workplace than ever before, we chart the complex journey women have taken in the world of work through objects and images from our collections.

From 19th-century bondagers to textile mill workers and the rise of the housewife in the 1950s, this exhibition tells the stories of Border women and their occupations. Discover how developments in legislation and technology opened up the opportunities women have today and how the story is still unfolding.

Please check before you visit that this gallery is open, as it will be hosting workshops

When & where

Date: Nov 05 - Feb 03

Peebles Library, Museum and Gallery

Pricing details:

Free- donations welcome