Elaine Henderson- image 1

The Science of Imaginary Solutions Exhibition

The Science of Imaginary Solutions Exhibition

Elaine Henderson has a basement full of mud from which she produces with the aid of Newton, Einstein and the planetary Laws of the Spiral, sometimes strange and occasionally nearly, but not quite, perfect forms. These are then coated with various concoctions of silica, alumina and elemental oxides and subjected to trial by fire until a magical metamorphosis takes place and newly born objects await use, contemplation – or destruction.

And so, the cycle begins again.

Elaine invites you here to join her in this never-ending fascination for the elusive mystery of handmade ceramics, where form and feeling are kinetically created and frozen by heat. Prepare to be puzzled or soothed, delighted or amused.

When & where

Date: Mar 01 - May 24

Hawick Museum

Pricing details:

FREE – Donations Welcome