Peebles Swimming Pool remedial works update

Peebles Swimming Pool remedial works update, 14 February 2023.

Following the fire Scottish Borders Council Property Team have been working with Live Borders, insurers and a number of contractors, to bring about the start of reinstatement works as quickly as possible.

Reinstatement works commenced on-site Monday 9 January 2023, these are being led by SB Contracts who are working towards a target completion and handover date to Live Borders late April 2023.

Initially works focus on erecting scaffolding­­­­­ and establishing a site compound. This will be followed by strip out works, then roof reinstatement works. Internal reinstatement and repair works will follow.

Howe­­­­­ver, given the nature of the construction works and the complexity that comes with repairing buildings damaged by fire, the completion date may shift.

Scottish Borders Council are also exploring what level of works is required on the roof, the outcome of the inspection and works required may impact on the overall completion date, but assessing now would avoid a further closure of the pool in future.

In terms of commuter disruption, for public safety, there is the need for a local road closure to be in place for the duration of the works.

Once the works have been completed, the building will be handed back to Live Borders as the operator to reopen the pool to the public and resume swimming activities. On hand-over, Live Borders also require to carry out works to return the pool to readiness, and refurbish some interior areas. Where possible these secondary works will be carried out in parallel with the SB Contracts works, but there will be a period of time from the hand-over until public reopening.

Any significant updates will be shared in due course and we look forward to providing greater clarity around target completion dates, hand-over and a subsequent opening date.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the pool.

Live Borders